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Cessna CJ Type Rating


Oysterair can provide take-off and landing training and differences training on all models of the Cessna CJ series.

For individuals, or commercial operators who require pilot mentoring or line training, Oysterair can provide instructors to support your operation.

Why train with Oysterair?

Oysterair's C525 type rating course has the following key benefits:

  • Quality - we have over 1000 hours of teaching in the C525.

  • Experience - nobody in the UK has trained more C525 pilots.

  • Availability - we arrange the course around your schedule; no waiting for a course slot!

Pre-Entry Requirements

  • Completed C525 Type Rating FFS training including LST.


Take-off and landing training takes 1 day.

Differences training courses are expected to last 1 day. 


We run courses on demand, around your schedule. Get in touch to arrange.

Differences Training 

We can deliver differences training between all models of the C525.

Take-off and Landing Training 

For pilots who have completed a simulator based course and require take-off and landing training we can provide a TRI(A) to complete the training. A minimum of 6 take-offs and landings including one full stop and 1 go-around is required. 


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